
Half way through

Week 7 of 8th semester had passed, that means that I am left with 7 more weeks to enjoy my university life. 7 weeks after this I am a total independent adult, well it's not that I am never an adult but, this is like major shift in life. STUDENT ie free and easy, not so much of work load, can skip, opps i mean if you really sick then you need not take MC. (*really sick*) Yeah, we fall sick quite often as a student. WORKING ADULT ie work stress, work stress, work stress. Your working time 8-5pm, but you cannot go back at 5pm, why???? Cause it's just it. And even if you fall sick, no man, no MC.sob...sob...

But it's rather a mixed feeling for me, excited but anxious, nervous all mixed up. Now, I am stucked with tons and tons of assignments and projects. Been having insomia for few weeks, don't really know what is the reason. Sometimes, I feel that I just worried too much, I know that, and i want to chill down but the anxiousness is like my inborn attributes. I am coping to handle stress the correct way, and NO
Evin, not by shopping and buying loads of shoes. Somehow I feel things always fall onto the place they are suppose to be; relationship, friends, love, career...It's all written up there. ;)

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